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Fly Gap Reptile List
A preliminary list of reptile species identified at the Fly Gap Division of Double Helix Ranch, Mason County, Texas. This list is a work in progress.
Family | Genus | species | Common Name | Voucher | Comments |
Chelydridae | Chelydra | serpentina | Common Snapping Turtle | Observed in ranch lake | |
Kinosternidae | Kinosternon | flavescens | Yellow Mud Turtle | Observed in ranch ponds | |
Kinosternidae | Kinosternon | subrubrum | Mississippi Mud Turtle | Probable on ranch; recorded from Mason County | |
Kinosternidae | Sternotherus | odoratus | Stinkpot | Observed in ranch ponds, as well as in nearby Llano River | |
Emydidae | Graptemys | versa | Texas Map Turtle | Observed in nearby Llano River | |
Emydidae | Pseudemys | texana | Texas River Cooter | Observed in ranch lake | |
Emydidae | Terrapene | ornata | Ornate Box Turtle | Formerly regularly seen on ranch in spring, especially after rains; may have been wiped with introduction of imported fire ants |
Emydidae | Terrapene | carolina | Three-toad Box Turtle | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Emydidae | Trachemys | scripta | Red-eared slider | Most common turtle in ranch ponds and along streams | |
Trionychidae | Apalone | mutica | Smooth Softshell Turtle | Found in nearby Llano River | |
Trionychidae | Apalone | spinifera | Spiny Softshell Turtle | Observed on ranch in ponds and streams | |
Polychrotidae | Anolis | carolinensis | Green Anole | Probable; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Phynosomatidae | Cophosaurus | texanus | Greater Earless Lizard | Fairly common along sandy creek beds and in open areas | |
Phynosomatidae | Crotaphytus | collaris | Collared Lizard | Commony observed basking on rocks; populations have declined since 2002 after introduction of imported fire ants (locally exterminated?) |
Phynosomatidae | Holbrookia | lacerata | Plateau Earless Lizard | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Phynosomatidae | Holbrookia | maculata | Eastern Earless Lizard | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Phynosomatidae | Phyrnosoma | cornutum | Texas Horned Lizard | Formerly common; now only seen rarely in this area | |
Phynosomatidae | Sceloporus | olivaceus | Texas Spiny Lizard | Common on trees, walls of buildings | |
Phynosomatidae | Sceloporus | poinsetti | Crevice Spiny Lizard | Fairly common on rock outcroppings | |
Phynosomatidae | Sceloporus | undulatus | Southern Prairie Lizard | Common low on trees, on the ground, and in brush | |
Phynosomatidae | Urosaurus | ornatus | Eastern Tree Lizard | Common on trees | |
Scincidae | Plestiodon | obsoletus | Great Plains Skink | Fairly common, usually under cover | |
Scincidae | Plestiodon | septentrionalis | Southern Prairie Skink | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Scincidae | Plestiodon | brevilineatus | Short-lined Skink | Most abundent skink in area | |
Scincidae | Scincella | lateralis | Ground Skink | Usually observed in heavy leaf litter of oak motts | |
Teiidae | Aspidoscelis | gularis | Texas Spotted Whiptail | Common; active in full sun on hot days | |
Teiidae | Aspidoscelis | sexlineatus | Prairie-lined Racerunner | Common; active in full sun on hot days | |
Anguidae | Gerrhonotus | infernalis | TexasAlligator Lizard | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Anguidae | Ophisaurus | attenuatus | Western Slender Glass Lizard | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Leptotyphlopidae | Leptotyphlops | dulcis | Plains Blind Snake | Fairly common, usually observed under rocks after heavy spring rains | |
Colubridae | Arizona | elegans | Kansas Glossy Snake | Common in sandy soils of the ranch; often seen on local roads or under cover |
Colubridae | Coluber | constrictor | Eastern yellow-bellied Racer | Probable; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Colubridae | Diadophis | punctatus | Prairie Ring-necked Snake | Probable on ranch; recorded from Mason County | |
Colubridae | Pantherophis | emoryi | Great Plains Rat Snake | Fairly common; often seen on roads, under cover | |
Colubridae | Pantherophis | obsoletus | Texas Rat Snake | One of most common snakes in area | |
Colubridae | Gyalopion | canum | Western Hook-nosed Snake | Probable on ranch; recorded from Mason County | |
Colubridae | Heterodon | nasicus | Western Hog-nosed Snake | Probable; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Colubridae | Heterodon | platirhinos | Eastern Hog-nosed Snake | Fairly common, but apparently decreasing along with toad populations | |
Colubridae | Hypsigena | torquata | Texas Night Snake | Not common, but a few records from the ranch | |
Colubridae | Lampropeltis | getula | Desert Kingsnake | Not common, but observed in area | |
Colubridae | Lampropeltis | triangulum | Mexican Milk Snake | Uncommon | |
Colubridae | Masticophis | flagellum | Western Coachwhip | Common | |
Colubridae | Masticophis | taeniatus | Central Texas Whipsnake | Common | |
Colubridae | Nerodia | erythrogaster | Blotched Water Snake | Common around ponds | |
Colubridae | Nerodia | rhombifer | Diamondback Water Snake | Common along streams and in ponds | |
Colubridae | Pituophis | catenifer | Bull Snake | Common; often found in gopher holes or crawling on surface |
Colubridae | Rhinocheilus | lecontei | Texas Long-nosed Snake | Fairly common; usually seen on roads | |
Colubridae | Salvadora | grahamiae | Texas Patch-nosed Snake | Fairly common, one of most evident snakes in winter | |
Colubridae | Sonora | semiannulata | Ground Snake | Common under rocks in spring, but less so than formerly | |
Colubridae | Storeria | dekayi | Texas Brown Snake | Uncommon under rocks | |
Colubridae | Tantilla | gracilis | Flatheaded Snake | Fairly common under rocks | |
Colubridae | Tantilla | nigriceps | Plains Black-headed Snake | Probable on ranch; recorded from Mason County | |
Colubridae | Thamnophis | cyrtopsis | Black-necked Garter Snake | Fairly common along streams and shores of ponds | |
Colubridae | Thamnophis | marcianus | Checkered Garter Snake | Common across the ranch, especially near water | |
Colubridae | Thamnophis | proximus | Red-striped Ribbon Snake | Common along streams and shores of ponds | |
Colubridae | Tropidoclonion | lineatum | Texas Lined Snake | Probable; recorded from surrounding counties | |
Colubridae | Virginia | striatula | Rough Earth Snake | Common under rocks | |
Elapidae | Micurus | fulvius | Texas Coral Snake | Probable on ranch; recorded from Mason County | |
Viperidae | Agkistrodon | contortrix | Broad-banded Copperhead | Common | |
Viperidae | Agkistrodon | piscivorus | Western Cottonmouth | Possible on ranch; recorded from Mason County | |
Viperidae | Crotalus | atrox | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Common, especially in rocky outcrops | |
Viperidae | Crotalus | molossus | Black-tailed Rattlesnake | Probable; recorded from surrounding area | |
Viperidae | Sistrurus | catenatus | Massasauga | Possible; recorded from surrounding counties |
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